@article{oai:ksu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001339, author = {アトキンス, アンドリュー and ATKINS, Andrew}, journal = {京都産業大学論集. 人文科学系列}, month = {Mar}, note = {This report is an attempt to identify what Cypris Chat in the virtual online world of Second Life(SL) means to two of its founding members. The social constructivist lens of Communities of Practice(CoP) (Lave & Wenger 1991) was used to examine the proceedings and participants. Participant observation was used to observe classes over a six-week period and then semi-structured extended interviews with the two founding members were done to triangulate with impressions from the observations.}, pages = {97--111}, title = {セカンドライフの重要性 : バーチャルコミュニティオブプラクティス}, volume = {43}, year = {2011} }