@article{oai:ksu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001401, author = {桜井, 延子 and SAKURAI, Nobuko}, journal = {京都産業大学論集. 人文科学系列}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper discusses the findings of the questionnaire surveys on Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) and extensive reading (ER) outside the classroom together with the implication of the amount of reading that participants achieved for one academic year. Thirty-seven first-year university students experienced SSR for ten minutes every lesson, filling out record sheets. As homework, they were expected to read and take quizzes on Moodle Reader. The records of the number of words read showed that the students eagerly read books extensively both in and outside the classroom. It was also indicated that the participants increased reading speed by SSR and that the difficulty to find time to read outside the classroom caused the decrease in the amount of reading. The outcomes of matched t-tests suggested that the students had a more positive attitude toward reading during class time. This was due to the fact that they felt more pressure although they were able to gain a greater sense of accomplishment when they read books as homework. However, further analyses demonstrated that the subjects who ccomplished the homework assignment were not pressured as much. It is suggested that the amount of reading could influence the attitude toward ER.}, pages = {1--19}, title = {授業内多読と授業外多読への取り組み姿勢に関する調査結果}, volume = {47}, year = {2014} }