@article{oai:ksu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001446, author = {湟野, 正満 and HORINO, Masamitsu}, journal = {京都産業大学論集. 人文科学系列}, month = {Mar}, note = {By means of the “Plurilecture” or “multi-reading” that I invented for the reading of Pascal’s manuscript of Pensées, I have found that on the manuscript of the famous fragment “Divertissement” in Pascal’s Pensées exist successively superimposed six layers of three pieces of writings (the first is private and untitled; the second is entitled “Misère de l’homme”; the third “Divertissement”). In my last paper (Les trois écrits que la “plurilecture” a permis de reconstituer à partir du manuscrit de “Divertissement” in Courrier du Centre international Blaise Pascal, No. 36, pp. 13–23, Clermont-Ferrand, FRANCE), I published three versions (the first version of the first piece, the second piece of which there is only one version, and the third version of the third piece). In this paper, I give the first and second versions of the third piece. Needless to say, “Divertissement” is a fragment that was not completed because of the death of the philosopher. Comparison of these two versions and the third version of the third piece shows us the final stage of the development of “Divertissement”.}, pages = {321--343}, title = {断章「気晴らし」の成立過程 : 最終段階}, volume = {49}, year = {2016} }