@article{oai:ksu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001636, author = {辻井, 芳樹 and TSUJII, Yoshiki}, journal = {京都産業大学論集. 自然科学系列}, month = {Mar}, note = {A random iteration algorithm for mutual-recursive sets (graph-directed sets) is considered. We deal with a pair of a probability and a weight on the mutual-recursive sets. The multifractal decompositions with respect to the pair of probability density and weight density are investigated. Therefore, we introduce a pair of parameters (q, s). Using these parameters, the Hausdorff dimension and the Packing dimension of the set in the mutual-recursive set, of which the densities of probability and weight are specified, are charactrized. This extension of introducing a pair of parameters gives us the freedom to invetigate the spinglass phenomena of multifractal structure as indicated in [4]. This work is an extension of [1], [3] and [4].}, pages = {23--37}, title = {相互帰納的集合の確率と重みに対応するマルチフラクタル分析}, volume = {43}, year = {2014} }