@article{oai:ksu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002575, author = {山岸, 博 and 石橋, 篤志 and 川口, 晋吾}, journal = {京都産業大学先端科学技術研究所所報, The bulletin of the Research Institute of Advanced Technology Kyoto Sangyo University}, month = {Jul}, note = {In order to analyse the inter- and intraspecific variations of chloroplast genome in Brassica crops, DNA sequences of about 2000bp in the region ranging from trnL to psbG of chloroplast were determined. Twenty varieties or lines belonging to B. rapa, B. nigra and B. oleracea were used, and total DNA was isolated from young leaves of the individual seedlings. The DNA sequences were determined directly with the CEQ2000XL Auto-sequencer. Sequence variations including nucleotide substitutions and insertion/deletions were observed and the degree of differentiations were evaluated among the plants.  Compared with the regions within the genes (trnL, trnF and ndhJ), much larger variations were found in inter-genic sites, such as trnL/trnF and trnF/ndhJ. Especially, the latter site contained not only interspecific but also intraspecific nucleotide sequence variations. While the variation between B. rapa and B.oleracea was rather small, B. nigra possessed far larger differences with both of B. rapa and B. oleracea. In B. rapa, which shows large morphological variations in the species, being used as vegetables, oil seed rape and fodders, differentiations among the varieties were found. It is considered that the variations in B. rapa would be useful for the detailed phylogenetic studies of this species and the amphidiploid ones, B. juncea and B. napus, originated from the hybridization between B. rapa and B. nigra or B. oleracea., 1, KJ00004365873, P, 研究論文, Paper}, pages = {1--10}, title = {Brassica属作物における葉緑体の塩基配列の種間および種内変異}, volume = {5}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ヤマギシ, ヒロシ and イシバシ, アツシ and カワグチ, シンゴ} }