@article{oai:ksu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002626, author = {野村, 哲郎 and NOMURA, Tetsuro and 高橋, 純一 and TAKAHASHI, Jun-ichi and 竹内, 剛 and TAKEUCHI, Tsuyoshi}, journal = {京都産業大学先端科学技術研究所所報, The bulletin of the Research Institute of Advanced Technology Kyoto Sangyo University}, month = {Jul}, note = {BLUP法による予測育種価に基づく選抜(BLUP選抜)は、家畜育種において広く利用され、経済形質の遺伝的改良に目覚ましい成果を上げてきた。しかしながら、ハチ類においては遺伝ならびに繁殖上の2つの特性、すなわち半倍数性の性決定様式および一妻多夫制の繁殖様式によって、BLUP選抜の適用が他の家畜に比べて立ち遅れている。本研究では、ハチ類に固有の遺伝ならびに繁殖上の特性を考慮に入れて、ハチ類の育種におけるBLUP法の計算アルゴリズムを開発した。さらに、BLUP選抜のハチ類の育種への適用例を、仮想的なミツバチ集団を用いて示した。, Selection on predicted breeding values by BLUP methodology(BLUP selection)has been widely practiced in animal breeding, leading to a remarkable genetic improvement in economic traits. However, the application of BLUP selection to bee breeding has not been as advanced as in other agricultural species due to two distinctive genetic and reproductive peculiarities in bees, i.e., haplodiploid sex determination and polyandrous breeding system. In the present study, taking the two peculiarities into account, we developed a computing algorithm for BLUP in bee breeding. Application of BLUP selection was illustrated with a hypothetical honey bee population., 5, KJ00008753819, P, 研究論文, Paper}, pages = {45--57}, title = {ハチ類の育種へのBLUP法による選抜の導入}, volume = {12}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ノムラ, テツロウ and タカハシ, ジュンイチ and タケウチ, ツヨシ} }