@article{oai:ksu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003002, author = {加藤, 啓子 and KATO, Keiko and シーモントリ, パイトゥーン and SRIMONTRI, Paitoon}, journal = {京都産業大学総合学術研究所所報}, month = {Jul}, note = {ヒト難治てんかんの5割を占める側頭葉てんかんのモデルマウスを用いた一連の研究より,我々は,α2,3-シアル酸転移酵素(ST3Gal IV)がてんかん発症の原因となると共に,うつや不安障害にも関わることを明らかにしてきた。このST3Gal IV遺伝子を欠損したマウスは,脳内の糖・脂質代謝に関わる成長ホルモンやIgf1量の低下を示すと共に,食餌中の脂質により,うつや不安様行動を変えることがわかってきた。またST3Gal IV遺伝子を欠損したメスマウスは,周産期分娩異常を示し胎仔を死に到らせるが,これは妊娠末期にプロジェステロン分泌を停止できないことに原因があった。コレステロールより生合成されるプロジェステロンは,脳内で電位依存性チャネルやGABA_A電流を抑制し,抗てんかん薬様の作用を示すことが知られている。以上の知見は,ST3Gal IVが脳内の脂質代謝を介して,プロジェステロンを含むホルモンに作用し,神経精神活動に影響を与えることを示唆している。, A series of our research about temporal lobe epilepsy model mouse that is a model for refractory epilepsy, we developed alpha 2,3-sialyltransferase(ST3Gal IV)gene deficient mice. From research with ST3Gal IV-deficient mice, we have evaluated that ST3Gal IV is involved in epileptogenesis and anxiety. Recently, the ST3Gal IV-deficient mice showed differential expressions of brain growth hormone and lipid metabolism-related molecules, suggesting that brain lipid metabolism might be involved in anxiety and depression via ST3Gal IV. Because brain lipid metabolism receives effect of composition of lipids in food(feed), we, therefore, investigated whether dietary lipids influence a wide range of emotional behaviors. We found that wild type and the deficient mice exhibited different degrees of anxiety and depression-like behaviors depending on the type of lipids and the amounts included in the diet. On the other hand, we found ST3Gal IV-deficient female mice showed perinatal parturient abnormality by still keeping high amount of plasma progesterone at the terminal stage of pregnancy.Progesterone that is made from cholesterol is neuroactivie steroid. It is known that progesterone modulates voltage-dependent channel and GABA_A currents and functions as an endogenous anticonvulsant, proposing that ST3Gal IV might regulate progesterone also in brain. Finally, it was suggested that brain lipid metabolism via ST3Gal IV play important roles in development of emotional behaviors., 23, KJ00008753719, P, 研究活動報告, Activity Report}, pages = {213--222}, title = {ストレス性情動系障害に関わる糖・脂質関連分子メカニズムの解明}, volume = {8}, year = {2013}, yomi = {カトウ, ケイコ} }