@article{oai:ksu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003011, author = {加藤, 啓子 and KATO, Keiko}, journal = {京都産業大学総合学術研究所所報}, month = {Jul}, note = {ヒト難治てんかんの5割を占める側頭葉てんかんのモデルマウスを用いた研究より,てんかん発症後,脳内で成長ホルモンとα2,3-シアル酸転移酵素(ST3Gal IV)が著しい発現上昇を示すことを見つけていた。そしてα2,3-シアル酸転移酵素(ST3Gal IV)遺伝子を欠損したマウスは,側頭葉てんかんの誘導刺激に反応せず,うつ病や不安障害を示すと共に,脳内の成長ホルモンの発現量を低下していた。下垂体で発現する成長ホルモンは,脂質分解促進・遊離脂肪酸放出作用を持つ事が知られているが,今回我々は,脳内の成長ホルモンシグナル系を介した糖・脂質代謝が,てんかん~うつ病,不安障害等の神経精神疾患に関与する可能性を示唆した。, About one-half of patients with refractory epilepsy are characterized as having mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with foci in the amygdaloid complex, hippocampus, and surrounding cortex. We found upregulations of alpha 2,3-sialyltransferase (ST3Gal IV) mRNA in the hippocampus and anterior thalamus and of growth hormone mRNA in the anterior cerebral cortex following epileptogenesis, respectively.Furthermore, alpha 2,3-sialyltransferase gene deficient mice indicated both depression and anxiety and were no reactive to the kindling stimulations for inducing kindled seizures. On the other hand, the ST3 Gal IV deficient mice showed decrease of growth hormone mRNA in the anterior cerebral cortex. In the peripheral tissues, growth hormone has been known to be involved in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.The present study presents the possibility that carbohydrate and lipid metabolisms that are regulated by growth hormone signaling also affect functions of brain, such as epilepsy, depression, and anxiety., 9, KJ00008431519, P, 研究ノート, Note}, pages = {91--99}, title = {ストレス性情動系障害に関わる糖・脂質関連分子メカニズムの解明}, volume = {7}, year = {2012}, yomi = {カトウ, ケイコ} }