@article{oai:ksu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003019, author = {青木, 豊明 and AOKI, Toyoaki and 勝矢, 淳雄 and KATSUYA, Atsuo}, journal = {京都産業大学総合学術研究所所報}, month = {Jul}, note = {Water quality of Mitarashi at Shimogamo, Kamigamo, and Shirahige Shrines, was investigated.Mitarashi was ground water. Sampling dates for Mitarashi waters were May 3, August 3, November 16 in 2010, and January 27 in 2011.  Water quality of Mitarashi was influenced by ratio of natural area and civilized area. All of hardness values were less than 62 of the average for ground waters in Japan. All of the Mitarashi waters were soft water., 4, KJ00007600319, P, 課題}, pages = {39--44}, title = {賀茂社の御手洗水の水質について (平成22年度特定課題研究成果報告)}, volume = {6}, year = {2011}, yomi = {アオキ, トヨアキ and カツヤ, アツオ} }